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Results for "content_type: Practicing Democracy Project"
Memorial Day for Sacco and Vanzetti (PDP) Reflections on a controversial case that signaled America's growing gap between the privileged and the powerless.
Anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment (PDP) Remembering the amendment that gave U.S. women the right to vote.
Birthday of Wendell Berry (PDP) Honoring the farmer, ecologist, cultural critic, teacher, and prolific author who reminds us of the value of living close to the land.
Birthday of Maggie Kuhn (PDP) Celebrating the pioneering work and accomplishments of the founder of the Gray Panthers (1972), a network of older people dedicated to fighting ageism.
Birthday of James Baldwin (PDP) Saluting the artistic genius and prophetic insights of the black social critic.
Birthday of Clarence Jordan (PDP) Remembering the co-founder of Koinonia Farm and author of the Cotton Patch Gospel series.
Birthday of Will D. Campbell (PDP) A review of the civil rights and reconciliation activism of the Protestant progressive who was also the chaplain to the KKK.
Birthday of Nelson Mandela (PDP) Honoring the life of the South African political leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who never gave up on his ideal of a democratic society.
Birthday of Abraham Joshua Heschel (PDP) Quotes to remember the wisdom of this Jewish teacher, theologian, and social activist.
Birthday of Woody Guthrie (PDP) Saluting Woody Guthrie's vagabond spirit and love of the underdog with his music and a film biography.